13.1.10 Documentation of Implementation-Defined Scripts
An implementation must document the character scripts it supports. For each character script supported, the documentation must describe at least the following:
- * Character labels, glyphs, and descriptions. Character labels must be uniquely named using only Latin capital letters A--Z, hyphen (-), and digits 0--9.
- * Reader canonicalization. Any mechanisms by which read treats different characters as equivalent must be documented.
- * The impact on char-upcase, char-downcase, and the case-sensitive format directives. In particular, for each character with case, whether it is uppercase or lowercase, and which character is its equivalent in the opposite case.
- * The behavior of the case-insensitive functions char-equal, char-not-equal, char-lessp, char-greaterp, char-not-greaterp, and char-not-lessp.
- * The behavior of any character predicates; in particular, the effects of alpha-char-p, lower-case-p, upper-case-p, both-case-p, graphic-char-p, and alphanumericp.
- * The interaction with file I/O, in particular, the supported coded character sets (for example, ISO8859/1-1987) and external encoding schemes supported are documented.
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