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Issue:              PUSHNEW-STORE-REQUIRED

References: PUSHNEW




Edit history: v1, 14 Feb 1991, Sandra Loosemore

v2, 26 Mar 1991, Sandra Loosemore (amendment from meeting)

Status: v2 (proposal UNSPECIFIED) accepted by X3J13, Mar 1991

Problem description:

The description of the PUSHNEW macro says contradictory things about

whether the storing form for its place subform must or must not be

evaluated in the situation where the <item> is already a member of

the list.

In CLtL, PUSHNEW is first described as:

If the <item> is not already a member of the list (...), then the

<item> is consed onto the front of the list, and the augmented list is

stored back into <place> and returned; otherwise the unaugmented list

is returned.

This passage implies that PUSHNEW is effectively (modulo order of

evaluation issues and keyword arguments):

(if (not (member <item> <place>))

(setf <place> (cons <item> <place>))


which executes the storing form for <place> only if the member test


However, later on it's said that PUSHNEW is effectively (again modulo

order of evaluation issues and keyword arguments):

(setf <place> (adjoin <item> <place>))

which executes the storing form for <place> unconditionally.

So which of these two models for its expansion is correct?


Clarify that it is not specified whether PUSHNEW executes the storing

form for its <place> subform in the situation where the <item> is

already a member of the list.


The store operation might be expensive and there's no point in doing

it if the value being stored hasn't changed. On the other hand, in

some implementations PUSHNEW always does the store.

Current Practice:

In both Lucid and Allegro, PUSHNEW always does the store.

Cost to Implementors:

None. No implementation is required to change.

Cost to Users:

Probably none.

Cost of non-adoption:

The description of PUSHNEW is confusing.

Performance impact:

Not doing the store when it's not necessary can speed things up.


The cost of non-adoption is avoided.


PUSHNEW would be less confusing if we could just agree on one or

the other of the two models as being correct and remove all mention

of the other from its description in the standard.


There is a potential for generalization to other read-modify-write

macros. See the discussion section of issue SETF-GET-DEFAULT.

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